Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Resting Easy! 5 Top Tips for Beating Student Insomnia

Resting Easy! 5 Top Tips for Beating Student Insomnia Resting Easy! 5 Top Tips for Beating Student Insomnia If you’re a student, there’s a good chance you’re tired while you’re reading this. After all, there’s a lot you have to pack into your life: studies, a social life, a part-time job, extracurricular activities Finding time to sleep amidst all this can be hard! Add to that the high rates of insomnia caused by stress and bad sleeping habits, and we have a lot of exhausted students out there! Scenes like this can be seen in college libraries across the world. [Photo: Shanghai killer whale/wikimedia] But a lack of sleep can affect your grades, as well as your long term health. So it might be time to put sleeplessness to bed (PUN ALERT! PUN ALERT!) using our top five tips for beating insomnia! 1. Have a â€Å"Bedtime† You probably remember â€Å"bedtime† as something you resented as a child. But now that you’re old enough not to have to be told when you should rest, setting a regular time at which you go to bed can ensure healthier sleeping habits. 2. Beware Screens We’re all glued to our smartphones, tablets and laptops these days, but did you know that the blue light these screens emit can trick your brain into thinking it is daytime when it isn’t? Not likely to sleep any time soon. [Johan Viirok/flickr] If you need to use your computer or smartphone in the evening, you should use a filter that removes the blue light produced by many electronic devices so it doesn’t affect your sleeping patterns. 3. Diet and Exercise As much as you might hate to hear it, a diet of beer, coffee and junk food (all celebrated parts of the student lifestyle) is unlikely to help you sleep. Particularly important is cutting back on caffeine, alcohol and fizzy pop before bed. Likewise, some vigorous exercise around six hours before you sleep will burn up excess energy and help ensure a peaceful night. 4. De-Stress Yo’ Self! Stress is a cause of insomnia and lack of sleep can cause stress, so it’s easy to get stuck in a vicious circle of not sleeping and worrying about feeling exhausted. As such, it’s vital to know the signs of stress and to relax whenever possible. If you don’t feel like you have time to chill, it might be a good idea to cut down on non-essential activities so that you have chance to rest. 5. Manage Your Sleep Environment Make sure your bedroom is a suitable sleeping habitat. Ideally, your room will be cool, dark and quiet throughout the night. And a good mattress is an investment you won’t regret. If you still need convincing, try spending several months sleeping on an inflatable mattress in a tiny box room in a busy, noisy part of town and see how tired you feel at the end of it. In our experience, this is enough to make anyone appreciate the value of a proper bed. These guys have it right. Be more like these guys.

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